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Bennett & Belfort Attorney Presents at Suffolk Law Symposium

By December 6, 2019January 20th, 2020No Comments
Craig D. Levey. Esq.,
On November 21, 2019 Bennett & Belfort P.C. attorney Craig D. Levey served as a panelist at Suffolk Law School’s Fall Symposium entitled Automation In The Legal Profession: But At What Costs? The panel was hosted by the Journal of High Technology Law, and focused on the intersection between human attorneys and automation in the legal field.

Mr. Levey discussed how advanced technology and automation plays a pivotal role in his litigation practice, including advancements in the state and federal courts, tools to assist with discovery, and how attorneys can benefit from enhanced legal software.

Mr. Levey was joined on the panel by Ashley Keenan, Esq. of Robinson & Cole, Bryan Natale, Esq. of Burns & Levinson, Francesco Deluca, Esq. of Ogletree Deakins, and Chris Combs, co-founder and COO of LinkSquares. The panel was moderated by Suffolk Law student, Jeremy Siegel.

Congratulations to Mr. Levey for his participation in this successful event.

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