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Belfort Organizes And Serves As Panelist For MELA’s Making A Million Dollar Practice

By January 22, 2019No Comments

On January 9th, Bennett & Belfort P.C. partner David E. Belfort, helped organize and served as a panelist at the Massachusetts Employment Lawyers Association (MELA)  Making A Million Dollar Practice fundraising event. The panel was hosted at the Boston College Club and included invited speakers that represented clients in employment cases in 2018 that resulted in seven figure jury trial verdicts.

In front of a packed audience, the trial attorney panelists each tackled various litigation practice topics from the beginning of trial to the closings.  Panelists integrated their first hand trial experiences in an effort to learn from these series of unprecedented successes – that collectively returned verdicts in excess of 41 million dollars combined.

Mr. Belfort presented on the mechanics and interactive nature of the new Massachusetts Juror Voir Dire process, on how to present an effective Opening Statement and on the use of demonstrative evidence, models and how to effectively rebut damning videotape evidence.

Congratulations to Mr. Belfort for his leadership and participation in this successful event.