B&B Partner David Belfort, President of the Massachusetts Employment Lawyers Association (MELA), was recognized for MELA’s support for civil legal services at the 15th Annual Walk to the Hill for Civil Legal Aid. During one of the year’s largest lobbying events on Beacon Hill, Mr. Belfort, accompanied by hundreds of his fellow lawyers, advocated for increased funding for civil legal aid. Recent economic difficulties have hit legal aid providers especially hard. The effort was aimed at urging legislators to support increased funding to meet the critical legal needs of low-income clients across Massachusetts, including such crucial areas as protecting children from domestic violence, preventing illegal foreclosures and helping veterans access to benefits.
B&B Partner and MELA President David Belfort (2nd from right) joined presidents of the Boston Bar Association, Federal Bar Association, Massachusetts Bar Association and Latino Bar Association for the Walk to the Hill on January 30, 2014.